which means self acceptance and the elimination of guilt.
Moreover I made no point of my "courage in facing a painful explanation". I was speaking collectively for all TVs in pointing out that in this as in every other important thing in life it is much more moment- arily comfortable to take the easy route out of the difficulty. But it is not nearly as satisfying or as strengthening as fighting a matter through till you have it licked. If facing a problem and solving it or mastering a problem or situation instead of "cop- ping out" to the easy solution is masochism, then so be it. But this type of "masochist" grows into a much stronger person with greater character than the "easy outer". As a matter of fact a deformity that is congenital or hereditary is no easier to bear and live with than one which is acquired later in life by accident or disease. So being a TV today in opp- osition to accepted custom etc. is not made one bit easier by subscribing to the theory that, "I was born this way."! Looking the problem in the face, evalu- ating it and handling it does make it easier to live with and the individual a bigger person.
It is a below the belt hit for Sheila to state that I consider TV a psycho-neurosis. She knows bet- ter than that so throwing this word in is a red her- ring to attract adherants who do not consider them- selves psycho-neurotics and who would not go along with Virginia's theories if that is what she thinks. For the record let me make it clear that I have never said such a thing. In fact I have denied this both verbally and in print a number of times. To say that a behaviour pattern is acquired through environmental circumstances which serve to activate and energize potentials already present is no evidence of its be- ing a psycho-neurosis. If you place a piano at the disposal of a musically gifted child and he used it to become a great musician, could you call his mus- icianship a psycho-neurosis? Yet he used the cir- cumstance of the availability of the piano and the